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Could Your Dog Have Separation Anxiety?

Stephanie Barger

Separation anxiety in dogs is a behavioral disorder that occurs when a dog becomes distressed and anxious when separated from their owner or primary caregiver. This condition can cause significant emotional distress for both the dog and their owner.

Well, there is an understatement! Some of my clients initial "goals" are so basic! For example: being able to go out to pick up their mail (mailbox is practically out their front door AND the front windows provide a great view for the pups-they were never out of their sight and yet, chaos ensued).

If your dog has any of the symptoms below, please find a qualified professional to help you through the process of helping your dog feel safe when left home alone! More often than not, things continue to get worse without help.

Symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs may include:

  • Destructive behavior: Dogs with separation anxiety may engage in destructive behaviors such as chewing or digging in an attempt to escape or find their owner.

  • Excessive barking or howling: Dogs with separation anxiety may vocalize excessively, often in an attempt to get their owner's attention.

  • Inappropriate urination or defecation: Dogs with separation anxiety may eliminate in inappropriate locations, even if they are house trained.

  • Pacing and restlessness: Dogs with separation anxiety may appear restless, pacing back and forth or exhibiting other signs of nervousness.

  • Escape attempts: Dogs with separation anxiety may try to escape from their confinement area or home in an attempt to find their owner.

  • Excessive drooling: Dogs with separation anxiety may drool excessively, particularly when their owner is preparing to leave or has already left.

It's important to note that some of these behaviors may also be indicative of other medical or behavioral issues, so it's important to consult with a veterinarian or qualified animal behaviorist to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment plan.

Poem for your pleasure by Tori Levitt, Founder of The Association of Pet Professionals.

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